Who we are
We are the Netherlands Coordination Office for UNSDI (UNSDI-NCO). We are the national liaison between the United Nations organizations, UN Member States and Netherlands ministries, institutes, universities, NGOs, SMEs and (multi-national) enterprises. If you need support in getting high-quality specific application oriented geographic information, SDI knowledge or GIS education and training, we’re here to help you. UNSDI-NCO is headed by Drs. Jan Cees Venema.
Our mission
Our mission is to decrease world inequality and increase sustainability of our planet. To that end we contribute to the world-wide disclosure of free geographic information, GIS and SDI software, sharing of knowledge and experience. This simultaneously contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Why work with us?
We have all relevant disciplines available and are renowned for:
- Our extensive international SDI experience
- The design and development of the first operational UN remote sensing system (ARTEMIS)
- Over 20.000 alumni, educated and trained on GIS applications, tailored to their own application areas
- Multi-disciplinary geo-application, ICT and space technology knowledge
What we do
We manage and coordinate support requests, directing them to appropriate individuals or organizations within our network that can provide substantial assistance. Our network includes partners from the United Nations and the Netherlands’ UNSDI initiative. In this process, we serve as an intermediary, facilitating connections between those seeking support and those able to provide it.
You’re in good company
You are not the only person interested in UNSDI or our activities. Given our statistics you are surrounded by peers, in over 160 countries, so world-wide!