Deep Dive on UNSDI

Discover the World Through Data: The UNSDI Podcast
Embark on a captivating journey across our planet with “Deep Dive on UNSDI.” This groundbreaking podcast explores the ambitious United Nations Spatial Data Infrastructure (UNSDI) initiative, a collaborative effort involving over 30 UN organizations.

Unlocking Earth’s Secrets
Delve into the fascinating world of geospatial information as we uncover how UNSDI is revolutionizing the way we understand and interact with our planet. Each episode takes you behind the scenes of this global endeavor, showcasing how cutting-edge technology and international cooperation are making Earth’s data accessible to all.

From Local to Global
Hear inspiring stories of how UNSDI is:

  • Supporting humanitarian efforts and peacekeeping missions
  • Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Empowering local communities with valuable geographic insights
  • Fostering innovation in environmental protection and disaster response

The Power of Shared Knowledge
Learn how UNSDI is breaking down barriers between nations and organizations, creating a unified platform for sharing critical geospatial data. Discover how this initiative is not just about maps and coordinates, but about building a more informed, connected, and resilient global community.

Join us as we explore the transformative potential of putting the world’s geographic information at everyone’s fingertips. “Deep Dive on UNSDI.” – because understanding our planet has never been more important.

UNSDI Strategy Implementation

This podcast is about the Strategy for the development and implementation of UNSDI. The aim is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of UN operations by facilitating better access to and exchange of geographic information, for the benefit of humanitarian aid, economic development, environmental protection, and peace and security. The strategy involves a phased approach, first laying the foundation (policy, standards, organization), then building the infrastructure (data, technology), followed by institutionalization (operational services), and finally continuous improvement. Key themes include data reuse, collaboration, capacity building, and the use of open standards.


The UNGGIM provides a forum to liaise and coordinate among Member States, and between Member States and international organizations while UNSDI is primarily concerned with the development and maintenance of the technical infrastructure and the implementation of associated technicalgovernance practices in alignment with UNGGIM’s priorities. They should initiate and coordinate their roles ASAP.